
46 pages 1 hour read

China Miéville

The City and the City

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2009

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Part 3, Chapter 23-CodaChapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “Breach”

Part 3, Chapter 23 Summary

After a time of darkness during which he is questioned, Borlú wakes in a room in a crosshatched zone. He looks out a window but cannot tell where he is. Just then, a figure—“a cutout of darkness, a lack” (290)—appears, ordering him to sit. He and several others with expressionless faces enter the room. They introduce themselves as Breach. The shooter, Borlú suddenly remembers, was one of the nationalists he encountered during his investigation. Rodriguez’s murder, apparently, is of less concern to them because, unlike Borlú, the shooter never breached. They ask about Rodriguez and Geary, about Orciny. He tries to escape, but one of them overpowers him easily. When they continue to ask about Orciny, Borlú realizes they are just as clueless as he is. They are seeking information.

They show Borlú a film of Bowden and Dhatt’s interrogation, which shows both denying the existence of Orciny. They ask once again what Borlú knows about Orciny. He agrees to help them under the condition that Geary’s killer is punished (hoping also to gain some leverage to get out of Breach). He claims to know where Orciny is.

Part 3, Chapter 24 Summary

Borlú watches film of Corwi’s and the shooter’s comrades’ interrogations. Breach is concerned that the shooter, Yorjavic, may have had contacts in the “deep state,” something hidden beyond even Breach’s sight, although a Besźel police report finds nothing to link him to Orciny.

The next morning, Borlú is escorted through the streets (Ul Qoma, he thinks, but he is unsure). His escort, Ashil, warns him not to run or draw attention to himself. Although he seems to be in Ul Qoma, he is actually in Breach. They cross borders at will, and his senses are distorted because he is actually in both cities at the same time. Ashil takes him to a university library, where he locates a worn copy of Between the City and the City. Borlú argues that Geary understood Orciny better than anyone, and the truth lies in her annotations of the book.

Part 3, Chapter 25 Summary

Borlú is given a copy of Geary’s annotated text and taken to a new location. The more he thinks about it, the more he believes Orciny’s existence is “inevitable.” His Breach captors brush the thought aside. He theorizes that Geary discovered some secret Orciny plan and was killed for it.

The next morning, Borlú is taken to a Breach “crisis meeting.” He is questioned about what Geary knew. He suggests they visit Bol Ye’an for answers. On the way, he asks to speak to Dhatt, but they refuse, as doing so would trigger breach again. At the site, they question the head of security about possible stolen artifacts, but he claims nothing could be smuggled past the guards. They find out that the night Geary was killed was the last time she locked up the site. Borlú digs through a collection of artifacts and finds, buried in the back, a worthless piece of wood. He takes it and begins to reconstruct Geary’s final night at the dig. He walks past the dig site to a park beyond, a crosshatched area. There, he demonstrates what he imagines Geary was doing—smuggling artifacts out of the site and depositing them in Besźel via the amorphous overlapping zones. He suggests that Geary was smuggling the items for Orciny. Breaching would occur in the process, although Orciny may not acknowledge the borders.

Back at the Breach crisis station, members are on high alert. Breaches are increasing; an incursion is coming. Geary has set something in motion, and Breach seems unable to stop it. As the debate rages within Breach, Borlú is locked in his room. He studies Geary’s notes and finally deduces that she was murdered “because she stopped believing in Orciny at all” (320).

Part 3, Chapter 26 Summary

As Borlú and Ashil try to piece together the various clues, they focus on the nights Geary locked up when she wasn’t scheduled to; those are the nights she received orders from her contact—perhaps a far-right group or politician—to drop an artifact across the border. Borlú suggests researching businesses that attended Chamber of Commerce events on the nights in question, and they find several, including Sear and Core, who were present each night Geary smuggled out an artifact. These companies, Borlú suggests, are researching the “questionable physics” of the artifacts, and they deluded Geary into believing she was getting close to Orciny. As they get closer to the truth, Ashil argues that Breach needs to present a strong, united front.

Just then, a commotion erupts in Breach headquarters. Two buses have collided and breached, releasing groups of passengers—refugees, who don’t know the rules and are causing breaches everywhere. The collision was deliberate, the beginning of a unificationist insurrection. Breach declares martial law. Borlú argues that the unificationists are too fractured to truly challenge Breach, and that their “insurrection” is just a distraction: “Someone’s engineered this because they’ve realized we’re on to them” (330).

Part 3, Chapter 27 Summary

Borlú and Ashil move through the burning cities, heading for the Sear and Core headquarters. As they near the building, they notice a helicopter hovering overhead—poised for a pickup. They force their way past security and take an elevator to the roof. Waiting on the helipad are two nationalists and Mikhel Buric, the liberal politician who has been conspiring with the far-right, as well as the organizer and point of contact between Geary, the unificationists, and Sear and Core. Ashil and Borlú approach the helicopter, weapons drawn, but Buric refuses to recognize Breach authority, arguing that Besźel is the one, rightful city. Borlú, asserting his authority as Besźel law enforcement, places him under arrest for the murders of Geary and Rodriguez. It turns out that Orciny is a fabrication, and Buric meant only to line his pockets by selling smuggled goods to a foreign company. As Buric aims a gun at Borlú, Ashil shoots him. In response, the nationalists shoot Ashil and then flee. A fourth man, a Sear and Core representative, boards the helicopter, unfazed by Ashil’s authority. The helicopter flies off, leaving Borlú and a wounded Ashil on the rooftop.

As they wait for assistance, they consider Buric, not convinced he is smart enough to have organized the entire uprising. Borlú wonders why Buric would want Bowden dead if Orciny isn’t real. Suddenly, he understands why it’s so important to get Bowden out of the cities. Breach assistance arrives to care for Ashil, who hands Borlú his credentials, telling him to get Bowden out.

Part 3, Chapter 28 Summary

Borlú calls Dhatt and tells him to secure Bowden until he gets there. Moments later, Dhatt calls back and informs him that Bowden is missing. The streets are in chaos, both cities’ police forces trying to reestablish borders. Dhatt puts out an APB on Bowden, hoping to find him before he escapes. Shortly after, Dhatt calls to tell Borlú they’ve found Bowden, but they can’t tell if he’s in Besźel or Ul Qoma despite being in full view. Further, none of Dhatt’s officers will risk seeing him to determine his exact location for fear of invoking breach. Borlú sends both Dhatt and Corwi to Copula Hall to cover both cities in case Bowden emerges into either one. Borlú arrives at Copula Hall and sees Bowden striding with “pathological neutrality,” careful not to breach either border. Borlú approaches him. Bowden carries a weapon excavated from the dig site—the weapon he used to murder Geary. He intends to walk out of both cities, carefully navigating the space between. He threatens to kill Borlú if he tries to stop him.

Borlú pieces together Bowden’s scheme. Bowden used Bol Ye’an to resurrect the myth of Orciny and lure Geary into his web; he manipulated all interested parties—students, corporate interests, and far-right politicians—to line his pockets and create distractions, including selling Bol Ye’an artifacts to the multi-national corporation Sear and Core. He killed Geary when she realized the truth, but the cover-up inevitably left loose ends—Geary’s body was supposed to be dumped in an estuary, for example, rather than in an open park; Rodriguez’s murder was another unintended consequence of the cover-up. With the entire plot revealed, Borlú convinces Bowden that he cannot escape justice, and he surrenders. 

Coda Summary: “Breach”

Thirty-six hours later, the riots are quelled, and some measure of order is restored, as are borders. Bowden has been dealt with by Breach; Borlú is not privy to the details. He and Ashil walk the streets of Besźel and discuss the fallout from the case. Borlú asks when he can return home, but Ashil responds, “If you breach […] you can’t come back from that” (370). However, Breach wants to recruit him. His only other option is to remain in their custody, so he becomes a “Breach avatar,” not enforcing the laws but maintaining the borders, walking not in one city or the other but in both at once.

Part 3, Chapter 23-Coda Analysis

As the narrative concludes, the mystery of Orciny and the identity of Geary’s killer are succinctly tied up: Orciny is a myth after all, its propagation merely a strategy by Bowden to get rich and placate his ultra-nationalist allies. However, the foundation upon which the entire narrative rests—two cities co-existing in the same time and space with rigidly enforced borders—remains shrouded in mystery. Miéville’s elaborately constructed world exists as a point of fact, and no explanations are offered. It can take some time to fully understand the intricacies of “breaching” and “unseeing,” the elusive mythology of Orciny, and who/what Breach is, but Miéville never fully explains the spatial physics of Besźel and Ul Qoma. It’s unclear, for example, whether Breach avatars are human beings. They seem to be, although Ashil hints that his lifespan is longer than that of the average human. Breach have unspecified powers that enable them to control the borders and handle any transgressors. They carry weapons so foreign and sophisticated that even Borlú cannot understand them. Again, Miéville opts to leave the details of Breach vague and explore instead their thematic impact on his fictional world.

In these final chapters, Miéville is particularly interested in exploring and further complicating the theme of “Unseeing” and Willful Blindness. Throughout the novel, Breach as an entity has promoted its omnipotence, inspiring awe and fear in citizens of both city-states and compelling them to unsee each other. However, as the narrative reaches its end, several incidents suggest Breach is not as all-powerful as advertised. For example, when the head of security at the Bol Ye’an site notes that students, especially foreign students, breach frequently out of curiosity or ignorance, his casual acceptance of what is deemed a serious crime implies a lack of enforcement on Breach’s part. Perhaps Breach cannot be everywhere all at once and overlook minor infractions. While it could be argued that Breach does not have to be omnipotent as long as it can persuade its citizenry that it is, this casual, last-minute revelation contradicts the organizing principle of Miéville’s world, suggesting that “unseeing” is not motivated by fear so much as it is by habit. It’s telling that those who breach tend to be foreign students, who have not grown up with the cities’ customs and rules. Unfettered by the same social contract that binds native citizens, these students transgress boundaries and violate taboos with minimal consequences. Willful blindness, Miéville seems to say, may be influenced by fear, but it may also be an unquestioned fact of everyday life, a reflex so ingrained it takes outsiders to draw attention to its existence.

Another incident in these chapters supports the idea that Breach is not quite all-powerful: When an uprising throws both cities into chaos, Breach is knocked back on its heels trying to contain the flagrant violations. For the first time, citizens’ eyes are opened to the fact of Borders as Social and Arbitrary Constructs—and it is refugees who provide this understanding. Like the foreign students who breach out of ignorance or curiosity, the refugees haven’t been trained to unsee and therefore see what ordinary citizens cannot. Their fresh perspective draws attention to the friability of borders long held to be inviolate.

While the uprising is short-lived, it points to the distant possibility of abolishing borders and overturning the established order. Miéville calls into question all borders and the laws that enforce them as simply random lines drawn on a map meant to maintain territory and keep out those deemed undesirable. The absurdity of two cities that share the same space having such tightly enforced borders—borders that have given rise to separate languages, cultures, and architecture—is a speculative exaggeration, but also a reproach to countries that place territorial rights above human rights, borders above compassion.

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