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Although Banks does everything in his power to dissuade Joey from continued correspondence, the boy obtains his new Manhattan address from a gullible archivist in the ballplayer’s Wisconsin hometown. Conversely, he needs Joey’s help in order to return to Hazel McKay’s good graces. Hints of sympathy for Joey emerge; at one point, Banks sends a photo which he claims to be himself at age 15 in Father Flanagan’s Home for Boys in order to convince Joey that many boys get into trouble. However, Joey recognizes this as a young Mickey Rooney from the movie Boys’ Town, which was popular during this era. Supper clubs such as “Tuxedo Junction,” which Joey asks Banks to bring him to in order to hear Hazel McKay sing, were also popular wartime entertainment venues. In subtle ways, Charlie mellows a bit as Joey loses some of his bravado and reveals some details concerning his family situation; specifically, he relates the story of his long-awaited trip to the World’s Fair with his father and stepmother, Nana Bert. As Joey writes: “[T]they put me on a Ferris wheel but I got stuck at the top […] my Dad gave the Ferris wheel guy $20 for me to take a cab home in case I ever got down again” (62).In response, Banks’ tone begins to shift as Joey describes his parents’ divorce. After the process server delivers divorce papers to his mother, Joey explains: “[M]y Dad married Nana Bert and told us to leave and my Mom threw his shirts down the incinerator” (65).
Banks finally realizes that Joey’s tales of beatings by Bierman are true, and the baseball star actually appears in Brooklyn to threaten the assailants. As Joey describes the scene to his therapist: “He lifted Bierman up into the sky with one hand and told him to scram” (67).Subsequently, Banks brings Joey to hear Hazel sing at Tuxedo Junction; Joey describes her as having “bosoms […] bigger than Ginger Rogers” (67). Gossip columnist Winchell describes the reconciliation of Hazel and Charlie in his column, noting that they were seen in New York restaurants “spooning spumoni […] and chewing cheesecake” (70).
The long-suffering Mrs. Hicks, Joey’s teacher, notes on a report card that the boy rebutted her criticism of the National Recovery Act in class, causing her “authority a teacher” (71) to be diminished; nonetheless, Joey is awarded A’s in all academic subjects, despite being given an F in Obedience. Aunt Carrie Gettinger enters a Parent’s Comment in replay, stating: “The boy got seven A’s. What more do you want—blood?” (71).Joey’s critical-thinking skills and political acumen are further demonstrated in a book report he writes regarding a Skippy Dare mystery, in which he notes certain Fascist aspects in the work as well as the absence of any Jewish characters. He alludes to the Blitz (the bombing of London during World War II) and makes a metaphorical reference to Hitler’s Mein Kampf. The next entry is a memo advising students that Mrs. Hicks is taking an unexpected, well-deserved vacation in the Caribbean.
The final exchange of letters in this section depicts Joey asking Charlie for help in writing a paper about Huey Long, a Democrat who advocated redistribution of wealth while Governor of Louisiana. Joey, essentially tender-hearted, indicates he wants to do it well because his new teacher, Mrs. Diehl, tends to cry. Charlie, who is not a fan of Long, advises the boy of his upcoming travel schedule so that he will know where to send letters.
Correspondence between Joey and Charlie continues in this segment, which opens with the boy nagging the ballplayer about when he will fulfill his promise to have dinner with the family. While Charlie responds in the negative regarding dinner, he does recount the visit in which he personally frightened the infamous neighborhood bully, Bierman, into stopping his assaults on Joey and Craig, stating: “And it worked, didn’t it? You’re damn lucky I batted you home from third” (74).Conversely, he sends Joey contact information for his road games, asks questions about Judaism, and credits the boy with the return of his girlfriend, Hazel McKay. Their political differences are emphasized when he sends the boy a button reading “NO THIRD TERM-ITES” (78), even though the Margolis family are all rabid Democratic supporters of FDR.
Banks experiences an aberrational series of fumble errors during a game against the St. Louis Cardinals and ultimately does accept the Margolis diner invitation. Banks, a Midwesterner who has limited experience with New York ethnics, mails Hazel, a more sophisticated and urban character, a series of questions regarding matzoh balls (“yellow meatballs”) (84) and kosher dietary laws. A series of missives between Joey and Craig reveal that the boys are planning to have “29 kids […] at a nickel a head” (82) and the opportunity to peer at Banks from the fire escape during his visit.
Joey and Dr. Weston undergo a role reversal during their sessions, which now largely consist of the boy responding to the psychologist’s questions about Banks, whom Joey advises “looked kind of funny in a yarmulke” (83).After dinner, Banks brings Joey to the local ice cream shop and spends time actually playing with him by “blowing paper wrappers from straws” (84) at another customer. Subsequently, Charlie writes a more mature letter to Joey, indicating that, despite the absence of his father, “you got a terrific 2-for-1 deal with your mother” (84). He expresses appreciation regarding a phone call that Joey made to him, in which he apparently explained how he had obtained information about Charlie’s late brother, Harlan, whom Charlie states had “hung on for 4 days” (85) before dying as the result of being hit in the head by a bad pitch. In a highly composed manner, he advises Joey that “you don’t play games with things like that” (85) and implies that their relationship may end. In return, Joey lashes out and advises the ballplayer that the only thing he had ever requested was a home run in his honor, and that he is no longer his hero. Banks becomes increasingly philosophical, particularly after experiencing an aberrational series of strike outs in a single game and writes to Joey to say that he is “making a mess of [his] life” (87).He sends a contract, which Joey signs and returns, stipulating rules for their future relationship. Charlie promises to remember that Joey is young and to support the boy if someone hurts him; he further tells Joey that he is “probably someone very special” (87).In return, Joey must always be “square” (87), to listen to Charlie’s advice due to his relative maturity.
Another entry details a letter from President Roosevelt to Joey, expressing gratitude for the “37 votes” (91) that the boy secured him in Brooklyn, as well as his accurate polling analysis of the results of the third term election. Banks receives a Christmas card from Joey and sends the boy a Hanukah card signed “from your buddy” (93).
This section opens with a memo sent via messenger from the principal of Joey’s school, Herb Demarest, to Charles Banks asking him to explain the radical views that he has taught Joey regarding the Dickens’ classic David Copperfield. Banks responds that the main character is overly acquiescent and implies that he is a bad role model for youngsters, citing Heathcliff, a male character in Wuthering Heights, as a stronger, more appropriate archetype. As a result, Charlie writes Joey: “[W]hen I teach you things, some of them are suppose to stay between us” (99).Nonetheless, he provides the boy with his Spring game schedule and location. Joey tries to manipulate Banks into bringing him along on the team’s summer road trip. He advises that he and Craig are the only residents of their block who will not attend summer camp: “[H]im because of tilty eyes and me because of not being Gentile” (102). Joey further wonders what would happen if the team’s current batboy were to become ill, and nobody (such as himself) was available to take the job, but it appears that Banks will not relent on the issue.
When the N.Y. Giants return to Brooklyn, Charlie writes a note to Joey’s teacher, the long-suffering Mrs. Hicks, requesting that Joey and Craig be excused from school the following day to watch “[him] and the team kick the crap out of Brooklyn” (107). The principal intercepts the missive and requests direct phone contact in the future. As predicted, Charles and his team win a resounding victory over the Brooklyn team.
Joseph is approaching his 13th birthday and Rabbi Morris Lieberman writes the boy’s father, David Margolis, to discuss preparations that should be made for his bar mitzvah; however, Mr. Margolis advises by letter that he and his wife will be “out of the country” at that point and maintains: “However, we will be with you in spirit” (109).Joey regales his psychologist, Dr. Weston, with the highlights of the game, noting that he and his friend Craig had seats right behind home plate. Additionally, when Charlie got up to bat, Joey boasts: “[H]e’d turn around and ask us what he should do […] They thought we were really short coaches” (111).Dr. Weston enjoys reliving such a glorious day with Joey, but the boy switches gears quickly and asks: “How come my father doesn’t like me?” (111), since he has declined attendance at his bar mitzvah. When Joey advises Charlie of the situation by letter, he responds: “[J]ust because your old man does not know a good thing when he’s got one means you cannot have a Bar Mitzvah? I don’t think so” (114).
Charlie writes to “Rabby Lieberman” (116) that although Joey’s father refuses to participate in the ceremony, Charlies maintains: “Who says it has to be a relative?” (116). Even though the rabbi’s initial reaction is that it would be impossible for a Gentile to serve as a substitute, he eventually relents and agrees to allow Charlie to substitute in the role of the boy’s father at his bar mitzvah, noting that “the special circumstances involved permit us to accept your offer” (122).Joey has implied that Charlie wishes to convert to Judaism, and Charlie warns the boy that he will have to “[l]earn this Hebrew thing frontwards and backwards so many times that you’re going to dream about it” (128). Conversely, Charlie recalls that he promised Joey “that [he] would not have to fight the big ones by [him]self anymore” (129).
Charlie Banks, the ballplayer who has unwittingly become a close member of Joey’s circle of intimates, undergoes a metamorphosis in this section. Initially presented as a somewhat self-absorbed, highly talented professional baseball player, he evolves into a decent individual who responds to the needs of a fatherless boy. Later in the story, the reader learns that Charlie’s father was physically and emotionally abusive to his children; perhaps Charlie is somewhat healed by the opportunity to function as a benevolent father to Joey. Charlie reveals more of himself to Joey as the boy becomes more honest with him. As a couple, the popular singer Hazel McKay, who is young, witty, and maternal, and the ballplayer, who presents a curmudgeonly exterior but is possessed of a true moral compass, function as an auxiliary set of parents for Joey.
The sense of abandonment and loss that Joey feels about his father is exemplified by the anecdote that he relates of his ride on the Ferris wheel when Nana Bert and his dad finally bring him to the World’s Fair. Joey is put on the ride alone, and the wheel malfunctions when he is stranded alone at the top. Citing the need to leave in order to be on time for a dinner date, his father departs before the boy is rescued, leaving $20 with an attendant to finance Joey’s taxi ride home in addition to emotional abandonment, Joey now experiences true physical abandonment. The Ferris wheel can be seen as a vehicle that emulates the emotional highs and lows of Joey’s existence.
Joey responds well to Charlie’s demands for honest, excellent behavior as the athlete assumes a more paternal role in his own life and those of his mother and aunt. In turn, Charlie becomes increasingly paternal in both the physically and emotionally. He exemplifies strength and constancy, like when he confronts the local anti-Semite who had been beating Joey: “He lifted Bierman up into the sky with one hand and told him to scram” (67), and then joins the Margolis family for dinner. Charlie finds humor in Aunt Carrie’s discomfort regarding his Christian background; he requests that she serve him a cheeseburger, which would be forbidden by kosher law, while visiting the house. Eventually, the two make peace with one another, and Carrie becomes a huge supporter of Charlie’s. He charms her with humor and devotion to her nephew, thereby unintentionally functioning as an ecumenicist.
Charlie, who lacks educated speech patterns and acceptable grammar, has an innate ability to serve as a role model for the bright, unconventional, analytical young Joey. He stipulates the tenets of their relationship in a signed contract and combines strict discipline with the ability to provide Joey with fun and excitement (e.g., seats behind home plate at his ball games and visits to N.Y.C. supper clubs where Hazel McKay allows Joey to sing with her). Ultimately, it is Charlie who substitutes for Joey’s biological father at his bar mitzvah; at this point, his emotional adoption of the boy is complete. In short, Joey journeys from a victimized, scared young boy attempting to survive his circumstances by use of his quick wit and manipulative skills to the cherished object of Banks’ paternal surrogacy. Joey has succeeded in obtaining his dream of a substitute father.