46 pages • 1 hour read
David AllenA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Allen stresses the importance of establishing a coherent and reliable organizational system. Only then can one be free of the psychological pressure open loops create. He says the ideal method will evolve as you become more adept at processing your “stuff.”
The author identifies seven basic categories all organization systems should include: a Projects list, Project support material, Calendar actions and information, Next Actions lists, a Waiting For list, Reference material, and a Someday/Maybe list. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining distinct boundaries between these categories to focus clearly on work.
Next, the author takes readers through the process of organizing action reminders. Actions that must be completed on a certain day or at a specific time go on the calendar. The author warns against using the calendar as a “to-do” list, emphasizing it should only contain actions that must be done on a particular day.
Reminders of actions that need to be completed as soon as possible should be divided into sub-lists describing the type of action, e.g., “At Computer,” “At Home,” “Errands,” “Read/Review,” and “Calls.” This way, productivity is increased when you are in a particular location.
Allen recommends an “Agendas” list for actions that involve face-to-face communication with another person or people. He advises keeping separate lists for close family members, bosses, work partners, assistants, and anyone else you regularly communicate with. Read/Review materials are useful to keep at hand for free time when waiting for appointments or on a train/plane journey. A “Waiting For” list is also necessary as a reminder of all delegated actions. Items on this list should have due dates and could range from theater tickets you are awaiting to proposals needing approval from a client.
To-do actions placed on lists or in folders are usually the most efficient way to track reminders. However, the items that require action can sometimes be the best reminders. This is often the case with Read/Review materials or paperwork like bills and receipts.
The author also outlines a process for managing e-mail workflow. He suggests that if e-mail in-boxes are systematically cleared (by deleting messages, performing two-minute actions, or archiving messages to reference material folders), the in-box’s contents may be a sufficient reminder of what needs to be done. On the other hand, readers may choose to use a system similar to their paper-based lists and folders. In this case, he advises setting up an Action folder and a “Waiting for” folder. Folder titles should be prefixed by a symbol so they appear at the top of the folders list, e.g., “@ACTION.”
Allen emphasizes the importance of a Projects list in maintaining a sense of calm authority over workflow. Although this list contains no next actions, it provides a complete workflow overview. The author recommends looking at the Projects lists during the Weekly Review to increase focus and eliminate concerns about open loops. Some people will find that one list of all their projects is sufficient. Others may prefer to create sub-lists, e.g., “Personal” and “Professional.” Either option is acceptable as long as all lists are included in the Weekly Review.
The author advises readers to be alert to unrecognized projects, which often fall into the categories of “Problems,” “Process Improvements,” and “Creative and capacity-building opportunities” (163). Problems are always projects, as they preoccupy the mind until a solution is reached. Meanwhile, improvements can usually be made to systems at home or in the workplace. Finally, there are likely to be creative projects you would like to explore.
Allen recommends creating a separate file for each project. While the author prefers paper files, he notes that a digital database can be helpful for this process. However, ensuring all data is integrated in one place is essential. When organizing reference materials, between one and four file drawers, or several dozen e-mail folders, are needed. Large topics with over 50 folders or lengthy documents require an individual A-Z filing system.
Someday/Maybe items include things you would like to do, at some stage, for personal growth. Allen advises maintaining a Someday/Maybe List, which can be subdivided into categories, such as books to read, trips to take, recipes to try, etc. Physical reminders can be placed in the “tickler” filing system.
Finally, the author discusses the value of creating checklists and a simple system for recording contact information. He points out that checklists are handy for actions that are new to you or do not have to be performed often, e.g., login instructions or a list of items to take on holiday.
In this chapter, the author emphasizes the importance of keeping organizational systems up-to-date and continuing to review commitments from different horizons.
The first priority when organizing the working day should be checking the calendar to assess available time. Then, review the Next Action list and Tickler file for work that can be completed in the current location. For example, check the “Computer” list if you are office based.
Allen suggests it should take only a small amount of time each day to assess the system as and when needed. For example, when meeting with a particular person, consult the “Agenda” list for any other issues that need to be discussed. Similarly, if running an errand, check the Errands list for tasks that can be completed at the same time.
Allen insists that a Weekly Review is critical in keeping on top of commitments. He recommends dedicating two hours of the last working day of the week to completing this process. This way, work issues will remain fresh in the mind, and the exercise will facilitate a relaxed weekend. The Weekly Review’s aim is to “get clear, get current, and get creative” (195). Getting clear involves capturing and processing new items collected during the week (both paper-based and digital). Any new open loops in the brain should also be captured and processed. Getting current means reviewing and updating the calendar and lists (Next Actions, Waiting For, etc.). Getting creative involves checking the Someday/Maybe list for anything ready to move to the Projects list. Any new ideas should be added while removing items that are no longer of interest.
This chapter outlines three priority frameworks to consider when deciding what action to take next: the four-criteria model, the threefold model, and the six-level model. Allen recommends using the bottom-up approach when applying these models.
The four-criteria model starts at the ground-level of work by considering context, time available, energy levels, and priority. Context takes into account where you are and the tools available. For example, is there access to a phone or a computer? Time available assesses how long you are free to work on a task before needing to do something else. Energy levels involve choosing an activity according to how much physical or mental energy you have at that time. For example, less demanding tasks can be done toward the end of the day. Finally, priority considers all the above factors when assessing the most important task that can be completed. This is where the threefold model comes into play.
When approaching tasks, there are three types of work to engage in. Pre-defined work comes from the calendar and “Next Actions” list. Defining work involves clearing the in-tray and deciding on the next actions required. The third type of work is engaging with new tasks as they come up. Allen notes that people often automatically prioritize new tasks as they present a welcome distraction from pre-existing work. The author warns against this temptation, as non-urgent actions can become urgent if ignored for too long, causing stress levels to mount. However, he also acknowledges that some interruptions are an inevitable feature of the working day and need to be dealt with immediately. Allen suggests that sound prioritization of incoming work can only be made by viewing workflow from multiple levels. This is the purpose of his six-level model of commitments:
The author argues that priorities are always driven by Horizon 5: a company or individual’s ultimate purpose, principles, and goals. However, without control over Ground and Horizon 1 levels, trying to align these horizons becomes challenging. For this reason, he recommends a bottom-up approach. Current actions and projects should be in hand before working up the levels to review longer-term goals and the big picture.
Having explained workflow organization at a ground or “horizontal” level, Allen moves on to discussing the “vertical level.” By this, he means a more creative plane of thinking that is productive in project planning. The author advocates informal brainstorming to make project planning as creative as possible. However, he also emphasizes the importance of capturing creative thinking and adding it to the in-tray. Allen advises using at least some paper-based tools when brainstorming to enhance creativity. Other valuable tools include easels, whiteboards, and digital mind-mapping or outlining programs. The author suggests that bigger screens enhance creative thinking if using digital tools.
Allen recommends thinking creatively about your Projects list for one to three hours. As soon as a new project is identified, a Project folder should be created. If a project lingers in the mind after next actions are determined, it may require more detailed research.
These chapters guide the reader through the process of Organizing, Reflecting, and Engaging in great detail. Allen explains how to set up an organizational system that can be trusted to capture all required information. He emphasizes the importance of regular reviews in keeping this system functioning optimally. The author goes on to demonstrate how his method provides a structure for the working day enabling next actions to be more easily prioritized. Finally, in Chapter 10, he illustrates how taking care of ground-level work allows creative thinking and the achievement of higher goals.
Chapter 7 explains how to organize the GTD system with great precision. The author makes it clear that his method must be followed to the letter for successful results. Reinforcing his theme of maintaining boundaries, Allen emphasizes the importance of creating “visibly discrete” folder and list categories. This makes the system easier to use and creates mental clarity, which supports the theme of The Correlation Between Practicality and Productivity. Highlighting the crucial role of the Projects list, Allen suggests it “is the major operational tool for moving from tree-hugging to forest management” (159). The metaphor illustrates how well-maintained lists give a vital overview of workflow that cannot be grasped at ground-level.
This section also serves to expand the reader’s concept of a project. Allen clarifies that projects do not have to be confined to the professional realm. They can encompass any area of life that needs work or could be improved, including creative endeavors and personal relationships. Allen encourages the reader to view all “problems” as projects if there may be a way to resolve the situation. The author’s melding of the personal and professional is also illustrated in his advice to create Agenda lists for close family members as well as clients and work colleagues.
The meticulous nature of Allen’s organizational system again emphasizes the correlation between ease and efficiency. Once set up, it is easy to establish what goes where. Also highlighted are the liberating psychological effects of having precise structures in place. The mind is released from the stress and distraction of tracking open loops, further supporting the theme of Open Loops, Stress, and Well-Being. Allen chooses a William Blake quotation to illustrate the self-empowerment an effective organizational structure engenders: “I must Create a System or be enslav’d by another Man’s” (142).
In Chapter 9, Allen illustrates how his organizational system aids decisions over next actions. Introducing three models for prioritizing work, the author suggests productivity is possible in almost any scenario if tasks are predetermined. For example, he recommends keeping a list of actions “that require very little mental or creative horsepower” for times when energy reserves are low (209). Allen claims that having “easy loops to close, right at hand” increases productivity and creates an energy-inducing psychological boost (209).
In Chapters 8 and 10, the author describes work commitments’ different “horizons” and how they relate to his workflow system. While much of the book focuses on the minutiae of work at ground-level, the author establishes that the ultimate goal of his method is to reach higher levels of perspective. Returning to his themes of “bottom-up” working and “mind like water,” Allen illustrates how they are inextricably linked. He argues that the mental clarity encapsulated in “mind like water” can only be achieved when ground-level workflow is under control. Once this aim is accomplished, the brain can access “a rich field of natural inspiration about our higher-level stuff” (202). Allen suggests that at these higher levels of perspective, we can finally focus on what really matters: our life goals and principles.