58 pages • 1 hour read
Fredrik Backman, Transl. Henning KochA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Social class is a major delineation of the boundary between in-group and out-group status in Borg, but appears in other aspects of Britt-Marie’s life as well. While Britt-Marie’s social class is never explicitly stated, her life trajectory indicates some social mobility. The apartment she lived in as a child is not described in detail, but the relatively insular world and Ingrid’s dreams of Paris suggest a relatively economically underprivileged life. Britt-Marie’s decision to work as a waitress rather than attending university to support her mother also suggests this, as does Alf’s decision to enlist in the military. After marrying Kent, however, her social class advances to at least comfortably middle class.
Kent’s fixation on money and desire to show off his wealth reflect his financial insecurities as a youth, especially since he gets upset if no one asks how much his BMW cost. His vocal condescension of Borg’s small-town decline and relative poverty both hide his financial desperation due to his failing entrepreneurial ventures and reinforce his desired outward perception as a wealthy city man. The ruse works on Omar, an impressionable youth with similar dreams, but the adults know better, especially Britt-Marie, who realizes he isn’t so different from the Borg residents after all; he just postures and lies more. Like Fredrik, Kent flaunts his wealth, but hides his financial troubles. Like Ben’s father, Kent evades taxes, though it is unclear whether Kent is desperate like Ben’s father or just greedy—“It’s not cheating if you don’t get caught!” (117). Sven is both Kent’s moral and financial foil, as he is mostly honest and is content with his social class and modest salary. Kent’s constant attempts to best him are not only attempts to woo Britt-Marie, but also to erase what Kent views as his shameful past.
Britt-Marie initially channels this attitude. However, her move to Borg also signals a return to her roots, a chance to redo her life her way. She notices that Borg residents have “two different levels of contempt” (40): one for the neighboring town, which is slightly wealthier than Borg and perhaps a reminder of times past; and another for the city, an unattainable dream of wealth and social status. While Borg views its own protectively, empathetically, and in solidarity, they dislike the neighboring town, reflected in their hatred for Fredrik and their reluctance to accept Max into the Borg soccer team by association. Many of the pizzeria regulars continue to dislike Britt-Marie until she sends Magnus packing after the robbery. It is only because Britt-Marie constantly asserts a conscious effort to understand the Borg residents and find a place for herself there that she slowly becomes one of their own. By returning to her roots, she becomes more like them and learns to truly mean what she says—to see them as human, rather than lesser, and to act as non-judgmentally as she claims herself to be. By meeting the Borg villagers halfway both socially and economically, Britt-Marie becomes one of them and transitions from detested outsider to a valued member of their small, tight-knit community. By changing her own social class, Britt-Marie elevates her interpersonal social status and is all the happier for it.
Many characters experience some sort of trauma in their lives. How they learn to cope with that trauma affects their lives and their character development, especially in terms of resilience. Britt-Marie best exemplifies this cyclical journey. Neither Britt-Marie nor her parents truly recovered from the loss of her sister—already overlooked when Ingrid was alive, Britt-Marie becomes truly neglected after Ingrid’s death, further damaging Britt-Marie’s self-confidence and self-image. With no positive role models, Britt-Marie finds her own coping mechanism: cleaning. Her obsession with order and tidiness—which extends to others’ cutlery drawers—ostracizes her from potential friends and leads to paranoia, indicated by her habit of cleaning hotel mattresses with baking soda to avoid hotel staff judgment.
She also fears being, and especially dying, alone, exacerbated by her parents’ neglect in childhood and Kent’s neglect and infidelity in her marriage. The reason she wants a job, she tells the unemployment office, is because “people notice if one doesn't show up” to work (19). This fear also makes her unhealthily dependent on others, to the point that she struggles and becomes anxious when she shops alone, and she initially channels Kent’s attitudes (and insults) when she doesn’t know how to behave in society. Kent calls her “socially incompetent,” but she is more accurately extremely isolated and thus learning from scratch at age 63. Borg constantly presents Britt-Marie with new people and new experiences, so her coping mechanism is to cling to who and what she knows: She cleans obsessively, calls the unemployment case worker instead of Kent, and insists upon extreme regulation in other aspects of life. It is only after she finds a place in Borg that she learns not only to be independent, but to mentor others. Kent’s reappearance reflects her character development—though she cannot reject him completely, she can rely on others without fear of reprisal. Britt-Marie’s desire to support the children she coaches—including her acceptance of Ben’s father’s incarceration and advising Sami to set boundaries—reflects her becoming a mentor for them that she never had at their age. In this way, she is not only able to move past her own trauma, but thrives and pays things forward.
Sami’s family also exemplifies the cycle of trauma and resilience. The siblings experience parental abandonment and neglect. However, each sibling copes with their trauma in different ways—Vega throws herself into soccer because when she plays, she doesn’t feel pain; Omar dreams of achieving stability by becoming an entrepreneur. Sami, the eldest, “do[es]n’t have time to feel things” (238) because he has to look after his siblings. However, each hides a deeper layer: “Vega’s afraid, even though she mainly seems angry” while “Omar is angry, though you’d probably think he was afraid” (238). Sami, unlike Britt-Marie, had Magnus as an escape from his family trauma, but like Britt-Marie, becomes overly attached to the past. Like Britt-Marie with Kent, Sami can’t let Magnus go. His death perpetuates the trauma cycle for his siblings, as Omar channels Magnus’s desperation to avenge Sami’s murder and Vega channels Sami and Britt-Marie by taking up cleaning—a chore she originally detests. While Britt-Marie couldn’t save Sami, she and the entirety of Borg band together to care for Vega and Omar, offering hope that their cycle of trauma can be broken.
Somebody and Bank both experience physical traumas that also affect their mental health. Somebody started using a wheelchair after a boating accident, but her mobility doesn’t affect her role as the village’s postmistress, mechanic, pizza baker, and general store manager. While the cause of her heavy drinking is unclear, she values Britt-Marie because Britt-Marie sees her as a human in a wheelchair, rather than a wheelchair with a human. This indicates some level of endurance and struggle regarding her disability, especially in terms of societal perceptions. Similarly, Bank, once a soccer star on the national team who used soccer as the basis for her relationship with her late father, struggles with her own disability. Her visual disability and chronic knee injury render her unable to play soccer and destroy her relationship with her father. Her method of coping is leaving Borg entirely, though whether that was because she wanted to escape the memories of her former glory or see the world before she couldn’t is unclear. Either way, returning to Borg is difficult for Bank. She destroys the photographs of her soccer success and often drinks too much. The children also insult her vision and her weight. However, as Somebody observes, she is good because of her trauma. Although Bank struggles with her disability, she also uses it to her advantage when she and her dog trick Omar after his insult, and when she threatens to sue the soccer council to allow the Borg team to compete. She demonstrates resilience by taking up her role as soccer coach for Borg. Although she can’t live her dreams as a player, she can advise future stars.
In this way, several characters in the novel demonstrate how they cope—positively or negatively—with trauma, and how they remain resilient and hopeful for the future, despite—or perhaps because of—what they’ve been through.
A major part of Britt-Marie’s character arc is her quest for self-actualization and independence. This is a life-long quest, but she finally achieves it at the age of 63, when she realizes her dream of traveling to Paris.
All her life, Britt-Marie has hidden behind or depended on others. Initially, this was her sister Ingrid, the vibrant family favorite. After Ingrid’s death, Britt-Marie was neglected and/or criticized despite her efforts to maintain a relatively “normal” life, by both her mother and her initial boyfriend, Alf. Her marriage to Kent exacerbated her dependence on others as he isolated her from society and preferred her as an ignorant housewife than as a capable working woman. Even the children she raises are not hers—although she would love them anyway, they never considered her a mother figure, eventually abandoning her as well. By the time she leaves Kent, she is so dependent on his (minimal) presence and has so thoroughly internalized his disparagement that she channels his beliefs in public and struggles to shop without him pushing the cart. Habits of living for him and putting his dreams before hers are so ingrained that she automatically continues them in the hostel after she leaves him. To a certain extent, she even continues them in Borg, replacing Kent with the recreation center rat and the Snickers bar she sets out for it every day.
However, as the plot progresses, Britt-Marie’s quiet bids for independence slowly surface: She attempted to secretly find a job, but gave up before the interviews, ostensibly for someone who was more deserving. Leaving Kent is her first major step toward independence, but she initially switches her reliance from Kent to the unemployment case worker. Throughout the book, Britt-Marie calls the woman at all hours, asking for help for anything from pest control to soccer coaching, treating her as a pseudo-therapist as Britt-Marie slowly works through her feelings. Through Britt-Marie also learns to rely on others—Somebody for repairs, Bank for shelter, Sven for comfort, Sami for soccer—she is limited by her own self-imposed rules and regulations. This pushes her to begin to adapt to life as a single person and to assert herself in conflict. The latter is most evident when she attempts to stymie a robbery and attempts to stop Sven and Kent from fighting. She gains confidence as a soccer coach, determined to succeed at a task she knows nothing about with rules that make no sense to her. This in turn eventually helps her stand up to Kent when he tries to take her away from Borg and to reject Sven’s romantic overtures.
By the end of the novel, she has gained the self-awareness to recognize what she wants and confides directly to Kent that she has been on a journey to self-actualization. In this way, she is finally able to do what she was previously incapable of—demand a soccer pitch for Borg, and to travel, alone, to Paris, possibly in the dark. This time, however, she knows others await her return.
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